
Three Frustrating Experiences That Home Sellers Can Expect

Expect the unexpected Stay calm. You cannot control everything Expect the unexpected when selling your home Challenges. Selling your home can be a challenging and stressful experience. There are the challenges that we expect like:  The work needed in getting your home in it’s most saleable condition Interviewing Real estate agent Cambridge Setting the price and marketing plan Disrupting family life for showings and open houses Keeping the place clean and tidy Negotiating  The home inspection Pets, kids… The best thing to do is to get through the process as quickly as possible. A good start with lots of lead time, the right price, a “road map” of what to expect will help ease much of your stress. Expect the unexpected We can do the best we can with the expected. But we should always expect the unexpected and by definition we never know what that’s going to be. Knowing that we can’t plan for everything, that we can’t control everything is key in avoiding frustrations caused by s...

Coronavirus and Kitchener Waterloo Real Estate

  It’s been a struggle to watch our local real estate Kitchener market largely put on freeze under the state of emergency. Our business sector like so many others has been deeply affected by the coronavirus. Furthermore, prior to the spread of the virus inside of Canada, Kitchener-Waterloo was on pace for another record-setting year in the growth of property value. Now, some of those gains are already in question and maybe diminishing. In short, the market is in a state of flux until we are able to sort out a path forward for the economy to start. We will continue to be providing updates on the local market throughout this unfolding development. Keeping Things In Perspective… Business aside, we can be so thankful for our healthcare system. Our doctors, nurses, and support staff have been asked to deal with a tremendous crisis. We have our busy days in real estate but reading about the strain our healthcare system is being put under keeps that in perspective, their efforts are hero...

Mistakes Made by Generation in Home Buying- Real estate agent Kitchener can help you overcome

We, being humans, make mistakes. That’s how we learn in many cases. Here is a list of common mistakes that home buyers make in all age groups. Mistakes In 20’s – Getting the wrong mortgage Sometimes young buyers get ARM’s, which are adjustable rate mortgages looking at the low introductory interest rate. They carry a lot of risks. Thinking they will earn more money in the future, so when the mortgage rate increases, they will be able to afford the new monthly payment. However, ARM’s even though with the low interest rates ,is risky. What happens if rates increase, but your home value falls? You’d have fallen down too . Younger buyers could consider a lower down payment loan – like an FHA loan or low down payment conventional loan. This will reduce their initial out-of-pocket expense while locking in an interest rate. Avoid these mistakes In 30’s – Consider consulting a Real estate agent Kitchener When you are doing the home deals, you must consider your plans and needs of the future. T...

The 5 Reasons A Real Estate Kitchener Deal Falls Through

  Many buyers and sellers fear a situation will fall through. While it is rare,  there are some instances where real estate Kitchener deals do not work out. When something happens to an offer, it is disappointing for both the seller and the seller. There are things we can do to ensure a positive outcome when negotiating a real estate deal.  Here are five of the most common reasons a real estate deal will fall through: FINANCING Until your mortgage is not approved, the offer cannot proceed. This is easily prevented through pre-approvals. Buyers who are pre-approved for a mortgage are less likely to be rejected and the deal is guaranteed easily.  As a buyer, you can also benefit from having pre-approved, as many sellers will opt for a pre-approval over a regular deal if they are not so confident sellers. It is a win-win for both the parties- buyers and the sellers, as pre-approval can really ease the entire process and avoid disappointment on both sides. HOME INSPECTI...

How A Real Estate Agent Cambridge Can Help With Your Home's Online Presence-

Now more than ever, your home’s online presence is important when it comes to selling your home. From your online listing to virtual tours, to finalizing the offer over email, the Internet is just as much (if not more) part of the process as the home!  Your real estate agent Cambridge will tailor your home selling experience depending on your home, the market, and the buyers you are looking to attract. That means selecting the right online presence to effectively sell your home and get you, the buyer, the price you are hoping for. Get an idea about Kitchener real estate market from your realtor who can help with your home’s online presence: USING VIRTUAL TOURS A virtual tour allows buyers to truly get a feel for the layout and size of your home. Especially during COVID-19, as viewings are limited and often saved for very serious buyers, a 360-degree tour allows people to view your home without stepping foot outside of their home. It’s safe for both the buyer and the seller. USING ...

10 Tips To Become Successful In Kitchener real estate market

  Here are 10 simple tips to become successful in Kitchener real estate investment. 1. Choosing Your Market & Timing The Investment Wisely For successful real estate investment, it’s more important to know your local market than just what’s going on nationwide. Your purchase and its success will be most influenced by the factors at work in your specific real estate market. A good rule of thumb to become successful in real estate investing is to avoid very hot markets. Some real estate investors here may brag about the appreciation of their properties or rising rates, but you risk buying at the top of the market and losing your money. The real estate markets move in cycles due to the desire for economic profits, and every real estate market is at a slightly different phase of its housing cycle. You need to find markets that are in the phase of expansion – where sales and prices are rising, affordability is good, construction is low and capital investment is rising. The exact ma...

House Hunting Checklist

The Home’s Exterior The Home’s Interior Community Local Neighbourhood Home Location:  _____________________________________________________ Address:  ____________________________________________________________ Asking Price:  ________________________________________________________ Annual Property Taxes:  ______________________________________________ Mortgage Terms:  ____________________________________________________ Zoning Restrictions (ask the REALTOR®):  _______________________________ The Home’s Exterior Lot Details Lot size/shape: __________________ Landscaping condition: good/moderate/poor Position of home on lot (compass directions):______________ Driveway: private/shared General lot condition: good/moderate/poor Front yard: sm/med/lg Side yard: sm/med/lg Rear yard: sm/med/lg Mature trees, shrubs, etc: yes/no Curb appeal: good/moderate/poor Condition of walkways: good/moderate/poor Structure Details Number of stories: 1/2/3/4 Type of home: _______...